Dear Mom and Dad,
I am doing great here. It just so happens that my buddy Elder Kaulukukui from BYUH is also my companion here at the MTC. We are studying hard and I feel like I've learned a lifetime of things and it has only been a few days. It turns out that I am going to be here 11 weeks so my estimated departure date is July 20th, and that is only if my visa gets cleared so we will see . . .
When I first got to the MTC they were handing all the Elders their packets with PMG [Preach My Gospel] and other gospel materials. I walked past the english Elders who had these small packets and then past the foreign Elders who had slightly larger packets. Then I got to my section and they said, "Elder, you are very lucky," and handed me two huge bags that I had to have my host help me carry. Supposedly my district is one of the first to be going through this new type of training at the MTC which is cool. Our teachers are awesome and the rest of my district is awesome. One of the guys is not here yet because he said that he had to finish finals but we think he really just wanted to see Iron Man 2. It's been pretty exciting to see all my friends from BYUH here too its pretty cool to see people that I went to school with here especially since I didn't really know they would be here. Our branch president told all of us newbs to have talks in french prepared for tomorrow and he chooses randomly who will give the talk which was kind of overwhelming . . . It is cold here . . . There are some things that I need . . . I have used 27 of my 30 minutes on email just writing this letter so if you could keep emails short and sweet that would give me more time to write.
Love, Elder Cosby
6 a.m. Wednesday, May 5, 2010: Van and I, Joseph, and Elder Cosby head to the airport. I love you. We love you. Work hard. Be faithful. We'll pray for you. Write. Take a few pictures for me. Hug me. Hug your brother. I love you. This is the fifth time I've done this. Joseph . . . or was it you, Seth? Remember how you cried when your brother left? Because he accidentally slammed your head in the trunk when he closed it . . . which brother was that? They do not blend together, my boys, but there is a familiarity to rituals like this, like a musical refrain. Mom, are you going to take pictures of every single thing? Yes. And we will watch you walk away until we can't see you anymore. Until even after we can't see you anymore. I don't know French, or Tahitian. I know a little Spanish. Vaya con Dios, that I remember, a beautiful lyrical phrase. Go with God. Vaya con Dios, Seth, I mean Elder . . . Elder Cosby the fifth . . . no the sixth, counting Dad. Reach for Van's hand. We stand together with Joseph. God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again. Wave. He is eagerly looking forward, to what is ahead. Good-bye. This is easy. Let the boy try, Mom . . . how many times have I heard that? Let them go. Let them fly. How grateful I am that they choose to fly high when they go. They honor us and the Lord. I am not a wimpy Mom. I have six sons, and I want them to grow up to be responsible, faithful, Christlike good men. Salt water on my face feels good. Feels like the South Pacific.
Doctrine and Covenants 84: 77-88 (excerpts) . . . BECOME EVEN AS MY FRIENDS in days when I was with them, traveling to preach the gospel in my power . . . Behold, I send you out to prove the world, and the laborer is worthy of his hire. And any man that shall go and preach this gospel of the kingdom, and fail not to continue faithful in all things, shall not be weary in mind, neither darkened, neither in body, limb, nor joint; and a hair of his head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed. And they shall not go hungry, neither athirst. For consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin, and the kingdoms of the world, n all their glory, are not arrayed like one of these. For your Father, who is in heaven, knoweth that you have need of all these things. Therefore, let the morrow take thought for the things of itself. Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man . . . this commandment is unto all the faithful who are called of God in the church unto the ministry . . . that goeth forth to proclaim this gospel of the kingdom. Behold, I send you out to reprove the world of all their unrighteous deeds, and to teach them of a judgment which is to come. And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I WILL GO BEFORE YOUR FACE, I WILL BE ON YOUR RIGHT HAND AND ON YOUR LEFT, AND MY SPIRIT SHALL BE IN YOUR HEARTS, AND MINE ANGELS ROUND ABOUT YOU, TO BEAR YOU UP . . .
A FEW OF OUR FAVORITE THINGS, including Seth Lorenzo
May had arrived and all the married siblings had departed after saying their good-byes to Seth. In a couple of days he would be Elder Cosby; life would change dramatically. Seth asked to go on one more "family bonding" outing. As our family has shrunk, these requests by Seth usually meant "Walmart Bonding" (Seth's favorite), where he would put things in the cart that he wanted us to buy for him. (We miss Seth every time we go to WalMart now). However, Seth had everything he needed and so we decided to go to another favorite bonding place: The Museum of Science and History, taking Joe out of school to be with his brothers for part of the day. The boys, including Van, love to build, explore, and experiment in this place. Afterwards we usually go to one of Dad's favorite restaurants: Joe Garcia's. The place is always packed. It's been going since 1937, and the original little clapboard house is still part of it, but the fabulous thing about this place, besides the delicious mexican food, is the walled-garden and outdoor eating areas behind the house . . . you can meander around paved trails through beautiful gardens and different porches, areas, and outdoor rooms. It is truly lovely and unique, a little natural oasis in the middle of cowtown. We returned home to put Jacob on his plane to Denver, where he will be working and running this summer with friends from the track team. We were pretty stuffed from our mexican lunch, but about eight o'clock Seth decided we needed one more trip together for family bonding and requested Cici's pizza. We picked up our neighbor Nick, who was more than happy to have a second dinner, and headed down. On the way, Joe and Seth sang "The Power of One" song--tropical version, loosely translated . . . Joe doing a rhythmical background punctuated by tropical shrieks from Seth. Seth is very good at these and it is quite entertaining. Seth is going to the perfect mission for him. The three boys sat at one booth and ate (and ate and ate, it's all you can eat) . . . and talked, while Van and I sat across from them in another booth. Do older boys realize what a great impact they have on younger ones? All my sons have practically idealized their older brothers. Seth's roommate at BYU-H, Chase, was a returned missionary Seth called "Uncle Chase" (we found out that he was the son of a family from Van's ward in California). He had obviously had great influences and had matured greatly in the year+ time he had been away at school. It does take a village to raise a person of character and we are so grateful for all the people in our village, near and far, who have led our children to good things. We came home and had family prayer and went to bed. Seth's civilian life was over--for a couple of years.
Jacob arrived home early Sunday morning, April 30 [2010] just shortly after Ben's family had to leave to get back home for Sunday duties. He and I and Joseph went to church to hear Seth's farewell talk (the only week he could speak in church because of fast Sundays and ward conference, and the one weekend of the year that Van had a mandatory sales meeting and couldn't be there!) Seth gave an impressive talk on faith as an agent of change, and shared some profound thoughts on how to increase our faith. Wow! I've never heard him talk in such depth or length. He prepared and delivered very well--he had many positive comments! The next Thursday his Dad came home and on Friday the rest of the family started rolling in, first Jon's family, then Sam's, then Katie and Gordon until all were there except Ben's family who had come to say good-bye the weekend before. What a wonderful time we had. The family kept going to "Tahiti" (Belle's creation in the garage) and breakfasted and played there. Go-carts had been such a hit the weekend before that we went back again. We had a barbeque and created our own best hot dogs and burgers and roasted marshmallows over the firepit. Laughter, game playing, and conversations floated around as our home was filled with five grandchildren and 6 of our children plus three spouses. I love to watch children play, and get down with them . . .we did puzzles together, and alternated shopping and then running the cash register in our little store and kitchen on the back porch. The weather was so beautiful. Elijah was fascinated with the play sink and spent most of his time there (as Belle had the weekend before)...the only thing that could compete was ring-around-the-rosy on the trampoline. Little Anna's second birthday was coming in a day or two; she ran around happily chattering and singing and we sang to her. Isaac and Lincoln played in the park and the kids get-away in the room under the stairs and out in the beautiful weather as we all adored baby Levi. Good-bye to Seth . . . there were words of encouragement, advice, and affection. A great highlight of the weekend for me was on Sunday when we had our own family Primary about missions and missionaries! Isaac and Lincoln repeated the first five articles of faith, which they have down! We had a singing time about things that missionaries need to learn to do. Best of all, the returned missionaries in our family shared their testimonies and stories and the kids identified where our family missionaries (Papa Van and the uncles) had gone . . . into "all the world:" England, Canada,France, Brazil, El Salvador, Florida, and now Tahiti . . . .and what a blessing that has been to us! We attended church, which was a Fast and Testimony meeting. My husband, son, and grandsons bore their testimonies from the pulpit. After the meeting block, Sunday, May 2, 2010, Seth was set apart by President Gary Riding as a full-time missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, becoming Elder Cosby and receiving a beautiful blessing. These are poignant, precious times. I looked at my grown sons, and Seth, now Elder Cosby . . . our baby (for a time, yes, he was supposed to be the baby for a time, but we got a bonus child in Joseph:) Hearing the calls of "Papa Van" and "Gramma," through the week, and the sweetest sound in the world, the laughter of little children . . . I was left thinking . . . yesterday . . . this was you, Seth. It was you we were helping to understand what the Spirit felt like . . . and singing primary songs with. I only blinked . . . I just turned around . . . and nineteen years have gone . . .
Ben's family came up to say good-bye to Seth the week before everyone else because Ben had business conflicts later on. Seth, Joseph, and I were the only ones at home because Van had to be out of town at a big business meeting for his company and Jacob was still up at BYU, but we had a rollickin' good time! Ben had thought about flying Seth to his place, but Isabelle would have none of that! She will be a great event planner someday! When Belle realized that a mission meant Uncle Seth would be gone for two years and would not even be able to webcam with her during that time, she decided that he must have a big good-bye party. We had a great time mini-golfing and riding go-carts. I had a tub of luau decor from my young women days that Belle and I used to decorate the garage as "Tahiti." This was great fun to watch . . . she directed her Dad "a little to the right . . . now a little to the left" --wonder where she got that? Belle planned activities that included dancing, fishing (magnetic), island drumming and music making, and finding little blue rocks she had hidden. We had a great couple of days together. Belle picked out a tie for Seth and gave him his going away present one evening after her bath when she was dressed in her very charming cowgirl pajamas! What a delight a little child is! We got to play with Belle and cuddle our sweet Olivia. Seth also got great missionary advice and advice in general from his Brother Ben and Sister-in-law Amy. This was the start of a full week and a half of family fun and good-byes. We left Belle's "Tahiti" up for her cousins to enjoy the next weekend. Thank- you Belle!
Hebrews 12:1 "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us . . . " Ah, that's tough to do isn't it? Jacob has been red-shirting on the BYU track team since his return from the Florida Tallahassee Mission. Jacob was a great leader on his mission, and, as always, gained the experiences he would need later in his life. Of course, the task is always to figure out how to do that and define and maintain exactly what strengths you have been given with the opportunities you have had, as well as what weaknesses you are being given the opportunity to overcome. He was faced with the task of getting back into competition shape, both academically and athletically. Jacob gave me some of his writings for a Christmas present, which were impressive in both depth and expressive ability: those skills he had honed on his mission were standing him in good stead. He was doing well in his studies, but this spring what was on his mind was a good run. By the end of the term, he was looking for one good run to give him the confidence he needed and take him over the top. After completing his finals for Spring Term, Jacob stayed on to compete in the Robison Invitational, unattached (because he is redshirting and so not an official member of the BYU Track and Field team--to retain eligibility). As a Freshman, Jacob had been one of the fortunate freshmen to make traveling team status during track season and contribute to the Mountain West Conference win. He competed in the Steeplechase and was successful enough to make it to Regionals! The Steeplechase (3000) is a hard run with hurdles and water to jump over. Jacob had also made some modest claims to fame in the mile (if there's such a thing as a modest claim to fame) in high school, running a fast enough mile to draw national attention his Junior year of High School and garnering him many eager college recruiters and eventually a spot on the BYU team, his first choice. So, Jacob decided to run the mile at the Robison Invitational to see if he could come up with his one good run! We were thrilled along with Jacob when he ran a personal best in the mile! An outstanding time and a great run! Because his former time was for a 1600 and this was a full mile and it was run in Utah, where they adjust for altitude on the times, I'm not confident enough to write the exact time . .. but it was speedy! Some seconds faster than a 4.11 mile! Congratulations Jacob! "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured . . ." (Hebrews 12:2) There is something very meaningful about enduring patiently, looking forward to the "joy that is set before you" . . . that is hoped for, not yet achieved, and persisting in hard work (and workouts!) Most importantly, for Jacob's family, and his future family, we are grateful to have a son that is not only talented, skilled and competent, but is grounded spiritually and looks to the Savior Jesus Christ as the author and finisher of his faith. That is the most important race set before him. Way to run, Jacob . . . in every way! We are proud of you!
Even before Seth returned home from BYU-Hawaii, he started the preparations necessary for his missionary service. He had only a few weeks at home to complete all that was necessary. On Wednesday April 14, 2010 Seth went to the Dallas Temple. This is the night his father works in the temple, so he knows everyone there. What a great spirit Seth brought to the temple, everyone was commenting on that. The energy and purity and love for the Savior our committed young missionaries have is a great strength to us all. We got there a little early and decided to go into the cafeteria and have some dinner. They were serving prime rib! It was a great start to a spiritual feast. The next morning Seth got up very early to catch his plane to California and journey to the French Consulate in San Francisco to start his Visa application process. He met the other young men who will be journeying with him to the islands of French Polynesia and who will be with him in the MTC studying the Gospel of Jesus Christ to know it better and also the languages of French and Tahitian. You would think they color coordinated their suits (well, most suits are dark and lots are grey) . . . These young men will leave their suits in the mission home in Papeete, Tahiti, for the duration of their missions, only traveling to and from their area of service in them. They will also wear them in the MTC, but the islands are tropical and it will be short sleeved white shirts for them! Seth's mission president has asked them to learn as much French as they can before they enter the MTC so they can concentrate on Tahitian during their time there, so Seth is also spending some time each day studying French with the Rosetta Stone program, as he gathers everything on the list to pack in his luggage. It is a special time in a young man's life and in his family's. A sweet spirit rests in our home. "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings . . . that publisheth peace." It is a peaceful feeling. Many of the islands of the sea are actually mountains, aren't they?
In the early days of TV, one of the longest running series was BONANZA, a western featuring the Cartwright brothers, the youngest of whom was called "Little Joe." When Joseph started going by Joe, since he was our youngest, "Little Joe," would pop into my mind. As Seth returned home from BYUH, Joseph was competing in Track and Field. He had only the semi-finals and District finals to go, which are the end of the season for middle school. Joe had won or come in at the top of several races, so he was set to qualify for Districts in the 2400, the 1600, and the 800, but he could only run two of those at District. Since the 2400 was a new race for middle school this year, Joe knew he had a chance to hold the school record, so he chose the 2400 and the 800 to compete in for the final District races. We were very proud to see Joe reach his goal and PR in the 2400. He holds the school record at this time. WAY TO GO JOE! Joe is ending a good school year with accomplishments in academics as well . . . high grades and membership in National Junior Honor Society. He garnered top marks in solo performances in piano and violin as well! Way to make your mark Joe! Reaching high to achieve worthy goals and leaving a top mark is something to cheer! We are glad to have Little Joe still in our nest, he's fun to have around and it's a pleasure to watch him GO!


Great! Grandad Frank goes to SAT and SAS!
One thing my Dad asked to do when we visited San Antonio was to go to the SAS Shoe Factory so he could buy a couple of pairs of his favorite shoes. (I did not know that SAS shoes stood for San Antonio Shoes, you learn something new every day.) When we found the Shoe Factory, we discovered a fun retro world! We could watch how shoes were made, munch on penny candy and nickel peanuts, shop for all kinds of trinkets and memorabilia, hang out in an old fashioned ice cream and malt shop, and examine old hot rods! First thing Dad wanted to do was have a picture under the "McDonald" sign he saw as we drove up (some placards from an old hair commercial about Old McDonald "that needed charm" We had a lot of fun lingering in this fun place for quite awhile, and Dad got his two year supply of SAS Shoes, saving about 75 dollars from the price in the regular SAS store! Quite a worthwhile trip!
Great Grandpa Goes Pinkalicious!
When I was a girl my sisters and I used to corral our Dad and style his hair. (Brylcream was a popular TV ad back then, I'm not sure what we put in his hair, but we styled it). Having had four daughters of his own, Dad has a soft spot for little girls. He told us "Mr Magillicutty" stories and brought presents when he traveled.
Now, as a GREAT and GRAND Pa, he is surrounded by pink when we go see his oldest grandson's daughters, Olivia and Belle. Belle is crazy about dogs, so when I saw a cute one, Great Grandpa wanted to buy it for her. Belle's favorite dogs she plays with constantly are named Jack Russell and Houston, so when Great Grandpa Frank presented her with a new puppy, he named it Austin. Now Belle has several fun stuffed dog friends to play with: Jack Russell, Houston, Austin . . . and Lulu (who often stays back at the doghouse looking after her little puppy ) And Great Grandpa Frank is a hit with the pinkalicious crowd!
Blessed Olivia
On Sunday, April 11, 2010 Olivia Cosby was blessed by her father Benjamin. The Christensen and Cosby families gathered together to witness this special event and celebrate Olivia's arrival. Katrina and Gordon and Great Grandpa Frank were able to join with us and Amy's sister Allie and her husband Nick came with Grandpa Lee and Grammy Jeanine, our counterparts. We love the Christensens! (Van and Lee have the same birthday) We had a wonderful time together. Olivia was a beautiful star of the show, along with her sister Isabelle, who was delighted to have a houseful of playmates!
Levi Makes a Grand Entrance
Baby Olivia makes 3 . . . Granddaughters!
On February 25, 2010 our sweet Olivia was born to Ben, Amy, and big sister Isabelle Cosby, giving Van and I three grandsons and three beautiful granddaughters! What a special event! Everything went smoothly and little Olivia was quickly looking around at this new world. Ben and Amy are great parents and we are very proud of them and happy for them. What a joy our little Livvy will be to us! The first two months of 2010 couldn't have been better! We are definitely counting our blessings. And Olivia is at the top of our blessings this year! Makes us smile just looking at that adorable little face. Cherish the moments . . . they pass so quickly! But more keep coming, especially with grandbabies!
January 2010 Katrina Weds Gordon
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